Monday, March 9, 2009

Draper Temple

We have been very involved in the Draper Temple Open House. Trish and Robin attended an early "VIP" open house reception on January 13, where the First Counselor in Robin's former Stake Presidency acted as a personal tour guide inside the temple. Our stake was also asked to provide volunteers on January 19, February 17, and March 20, the opening day of the dedication. Robin has served three volunteer shifts so far - two as a member missionary host and one as part of a security team, watching the temple from 10 pm to 2 am. Trish has served one member missionary shift with Robin and will serve again as an usher on March 20. We took the kids through on January 23 and Trish took a non-member friend through last Thursday.

It is a beautiful temple. In two of the rooms there are original wall murals that are absolutely gorgeous. The baptismal font is spectacular. The wedding prep and waiting rooms are very nice and can accommodate a large number of weddings. But otherwise this temple is very small. It will serve a smaller but more focused population. It will require more volunteers and fewer paid staff to clean and repair. Sessions will be by appointment only. It is clear that Draper and Sandy residents will be given a keen sense of ownership of this temple.

We forget here along the Wasatch Front how blessed we are with these big temples that are the workhorses for the entire Church. We are looking forward to a new and more intimate relationship with this new temple.

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